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Companies with configured products and bundled offerings face some unique challenges. Tracking performance, identifying opportunities and managing prices for product portfolios comprised of hundreds or thousands of components can be a daunting task.

This web seminar is designed to help pricing and marketing professionals define, analyze and plan product configurations for maximum profit. Topics that will be covered include:

  • Leveraging technology to model a highly configured product portfolio
  • Using pricing, competitor, and profitability analytics specifically designed for configured products & service offerings
  • Using scenario planning to understand the “forward impact” of changes to attach rates, component discounts, and costs on key financial & operational metrics
  • Building a collaborative process and systems infrastructure that can provide marketing, sales, finance, and pricing with insights to maximize price & profitability
Vistaar Editorial Team

As an experienced pricing solutions partner to some of the biggest names in global business, Vistaar offers a range of services to help our customers reach their maximum potential. Talk to us to see how we can help you create a more profitable future.