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The global market for complex B2B services has doubled since 2003, and is conservatively sized at over $1 trillion. Companies in this industry offer a broad variety of services such as consulting services, IT and business service outsourcing, engineering and project services, and aftermarket product services to support use of capital assets. With increasing competition, and broader ranges of services offered, pricing of services becomes increasingly of critical importance to maintain competitiveness and ensure long term profitability of contracts that may extend for several years. At the same time, given their levels of services spend, customers are employing aggressive procurement strategies to increase pricing pressure on service providers of all types.

In this webinar, Mark Burton, co-founder of Holden Advisors, will include a discussion of the challenges and opportunities in services pricing to generate higher win rates as well as more profitable deals. Areas covered will include:

  • Attributes of business services that make pricing challenging
  • Aligning your pricing model to the offering with a view to value and delivery risk
  • Assessing the pricing maturity of your organization and how to adapt to your environment
  • Negotiating services deals and understanding the points of leverage
  • Tools and strategies used by best-in-class companies
  • Measuring performance of service deals to drive continuous improvement

This webinar will be of interest to any executive in the business services industry, including sales, marketing, finance, and the pricing organization.

About the Speakers

Mark Burton, Co-Founder and Vice President, Consulting, Holden Advisors
Mark Burton is co-founder of Holden Advisors and a strategic marketing expert with more than 20 years of experience. As a formulator of the firm’s project methodologies and analytical processes, Mark is the driving force in creating offering and pricing strategies for firms in industries such as IT outsourcing, semiconductor, financial and business services, and enterprise software and maintenance.

If you’d like to learn more about our pricing software solutions or would like to arrange a demo. please contact us.

Vistaar Editorial Team

As an experienced pricing solutions partner to some of the biggest names in global business, Vistaar offers a range of services to help our customers reach their maximum potential. Talk to us to see how we can help you create a more profitable future.