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Pricing excellence has become an essential component of business strategy in enterprises striving for differentiation, competitive advantage, growth, profits and market share. Solutions for price optimization and management are recognized as critical enablers to driving corporate value through pricing initiatives. However, many companies are still using spreadsheets and cobbled together solutions to manage complex pricing processes, often after implementations of “home grown” or packed solutions failed to meet their business objectives. This whitepaper describes an alternative approach combining the best of “build” and “buy” to help companies generate and accelerate gains from differentiated pricing strategies and by practicing pricing excellence.

If you are a manager or executive who wants to bring pricing excellence to your organization and has struggled to find the right path, this whitepaper will be of value to you.

Vistaar Technologies

As an experienced pricing solutions partner to some of the biggest names in global business, Vistaar offers a range of services to help our customers reach their maximum potential. Talk to us to see how we can help you create a more profitable future.